People are stuck in a loop of endless stairs. Build stuff for keep them entertained. 

  • Move the mouse to pan the camera
  • Scroll to zoom in and out
  • Hover over a person to view their happiness level and emotions
  • Click on a stair to access the purchase menu
  • Click on a building to sell it for a reduced price
  • People spawn in at a random rate, with a max population of 20
  • Each person has randomized increase rates for each emotion
  • Uses #NVJob Name Generator to generate random names for people
  • To win, you must have an average happiness level of at least 400 in a population of at least 5

This game was designed for Ludum Dare 47. Theme: "Stuck in a Loop"

I didn't get quite as far with the idea as I would have liked, but I decided to upload my progress during the jam.

Let me know what you think!

Made withUnity

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